Post by cyberpaladin85 on Jan 21, 2009 21:06:57 GMT -5
ooc: I meant the taskforce, not their destination. And I suppose a moon works, if it's like Yavin IV or Endor's forest moon.
Valkrii: "Roger that! Jayn, form up and let's do this!"
Jayn: "Bet I get more kills than you!"
Valkrii: "THis isn't a game, jsut make sure the Ice Vixen makes it down safely!"
Valkrii and Jayn form up and prepare to engage the Sith TIE's. Using their boosted fighter drives, they speed ahead and send several bolts of energy into the TIE's. While two of them are destroyed, one of them artfully dodges out of the way, and the three fighters blaze past each other. (care to play the TIE pilot?)
Post by Marcus Starkiller on Jan 22, 2009 19:17:56 GMT -5
The TIE pilot, whom is the leader of his flight takes aim at Jayn's fighter and fires, but misses the target when his fighter is hit by a bolt from Jango's interceptor. The lead TIE Predator manevuers again and once more gets Jayn in his crosshairs. He fires several bolts at her fighter just before his own craft is destroyed by Jango Hadar and How-Lan Warest.
Post by cyberpaladin85 on Jan 22, 2009 20:19:34 GMT -5
Valkrii: "Jayn, you okay?!"
Jayn: "Yeah, the blasts ate my shields, but I am otherwise fine. *is shaken a bit* "THanks Jango and How-Lan!"
Valkrii: "Looks like you've picked up another one! I'm on it!" Valkrii manuevers her fighter into posion behind the TIE and destroys it. "Thank me later, it looks like the Ice Vixen is in trouble!" Valkrii boosts her engines to close the distance. "Ice Vixen, how you holding?"
Post by Marcus Starkiller on Jan 22, 2009 20:24:27 GMT -5
"Shields are at 80 percent and dropping!" barks Wulfgang. "We need help getting these karking Sith loyal Imp hounds off our tail! Brutus is in the lower turret, and Rohlan is out cold up top, smashed his face against the turret control panel!"
Post by cyberpaladin85 on Jan 22, 2009 20:29:51 GMT -5
Valkrii: "No problem bro, the cavalry's here!" Valkrii and Jayn get a lock on, and fire concussion missiles at the TIE's, clearing the path of the Ice Vixen, at least for now. "Keep your eyes pealed Jayn, ya never know when a Sith might jump at you!"
Post by Marcus Starkiller on Jan 22, 2009 20:34:50 GMT -5
"Don't worry! Any Sith starfighters show up, and How-Lan and I will handle em'!" boasts Jango over the comm.
"Quite braggin, hon. We aren't out of the woods yet, here comes another wave of TIE Predators! Oh frak... We have a Sith fighter inbound as well!" says How-Lan.
Post by cyberpaladin85 on Jan 22, 2009 20:48:15 GMT -5
Valkrii: "Damn, I was afraid of that! Jayn, form up and stay close to me, this is gonna be Hell..."
The Sith fighter, sensing the shields are low and the pilot a bit in shock, targets the craft piloted by Jayn. He dives low, under the blasts from Valkrii and Jayn, and pulls up sharply right behind them, and fires at Jayn's ship. The remnants of Jayn's shields are taken down, and her craft's armor begins to melt away from the assault. "Get this butcher off of me!" shouts Jayn over the communications system.
The Sith, known as Spiritmonger to his peers, for it is said that he can see the Spirit of his opponents, takes in the situation. "This pilot, thoguh Mandalorian, is weak. I'd call her a runt, but even THAT would be a compliment, given that runts at least TRY to make up for their shortcomings. No, this bubbly headed bimbo is beneath my contempt... therefore, she will live, but just barely." The Sith fires an ion burst at Jayn's fighter, then turns to engage Valkrii. "Ah, worthy prey."
Valkrii: "Jango, I need you and your mate's help... NOW!"
Post by Marcus Starkiller on Jan 22, 2009 20:53:14 GMT -5
"We're on it!" yells Jango as he dives his fighter into an attack maneuver on the sith fighter. Jango unleashes a hailstorm of blastertfire and missiles at the Sith warrior's vessel. How-Lan does the same.
Post by cyberpaladin85 on Jan 22, 2009 21:01:36 GMT -5
Spiritmonger pulls away from his opponent, and releases clouds of chaff as a ward against the missiles. "Hmm, these two have recklessly wasted the bulk of their ordanance. perhaps I should show them the errors of their ways... by the only way that they will learn." Spiritmonger gets into a turning war with the two Mandalorians, while keeping an eye on the other he had just engaged.
Post by Marcus Starkiller on Jan 26, 2009 19:51:10 GMT -5
Jango and How-Lan continue to turn, in order to avoid the Sith fighter and it's weapons. Jango releases a set of countermeasures right in front of the Sith fighter.
Post by cyberpaladin85 on Jan 26, 2009 20:03:25 GMT -5
Spiritmonger's Sith fighter passes through the countermeasures, and temprarily losses the initiative. He quickly gets back into a turn war with the Mandalorians, only to be hounded by the worthy prey he was chasing earlier. "Hmm, this battle seems to be going the wrong way for me; best to resolve it some other time. But yet, this particular opponent most intrigues me. Perhaps there is yet way to salvage this fight..." Spiritmonger quickly manuevers his fighter so that it just barely avoids collision with Valkrii's ship, attempting to bait her to the planet's surface.
Valkrii: Jango, How-Lan, make sure Jayn is safe! I'm going after this Sith myself!
Another wave of TIE Predators make their way to the battle, as Valkrii says this.
Post by Marcus Starkiller on Jan 26, 2009 20:06:17 GMT -5
"Negative Valkrii! Do not go after him alone!" commands Jango.
Jango then sets his form Jedi Interceptor into a dive, following Valkrii and the sith into the atmosphere.
Post by cyberpaladin85 on Jan 26, 2009 20:16:38 GMT -5
Spiritmonger is pleased to see that his prey followed him, but is angered that one of his prey's comrades has followed too. "Sigh, first the whole Sith thing, now this, I swear, nothing ever goes quite my way. Well, I'm not going to let this interfere with my plans..." Spiritmonger pulls some fancy manuevering against his prey and the interloper. He could take out the interloper first, but that might create a martyr effect; and since he can't quite seem to get a good reading on his prey, he's feels that that's to risky. Instead, he gets a lock on his prey's ship, and fires a blast of ion cannon at it. Valkrii's fighter's shields are nearly brought down, as she tries, to manuever away from the Sith.
Meanwhile in space, Jayn is scared spitless as the TIE Predators are coming her way.
Post by Marcus Starkiller on Jan 26, 2009 20:23:12 GMT -5
"Valkrii, break off now! Escort the Ice Vixen, she will be able to cover you!" informs Jango.
Jango thinks to himself: "This Sith is good, alittle to good..."
Post by cyberpaladin85 on Jan 26, 2009 20:31:31 GMT -5
Valkrii attempts to do just that, but the Sith is just too good, and stays on her tail. Once more, the Sith fires an ion blast at her, finally bringing her ship's system's down for the count. "Damn! I'm going down!"
Seeing his prey go down towards the base, Spiritmonger makes his way back there, to meet the Mandalorian face to face on foot. His fighter boosts heavily, and is soon out of range of Jango's ship, and in the protective radius of the facility.
On the planet's surface...
Ben Rendar: Is that craft (Valkrii's ship) heading right towards us? Oh damn..."
Post by Marcus Starkiller on Jan 26, 2009 20:42:10 GMT -5
"Look's like it's out of control!" yells one of the commandos.
Meanwhile Jango dives his interceptor to it's limits and is closing on Valkrii's crippled vessel.
Post by cyberpaladin85 on Jan 26, 2009 20:53:14 GMT -5
"Look's like it's out of control!" yells one of the commandos. Meanwhile Jango dives his interceptor to it's limits and is closing on Valkrii's crippled vessel. ooc: Let her go, it's Jayn you should worry about. Besides, Valkrii has a date with a very interesting situation... Valkrii's ship makes a not too rough landing on the planet's surface, but she is still a bit rattled. She exits her craft, to survey the damage, which is hopefully not too bad. "Karking Sith!" As she does this, she notices movement nearby, and draws her blaster.
Post by Marcus Starkiller on Jan 27, 2009 20:02:03 GMT -5
When Jango spots the incoming TIE Predators', he decides to return to the battle in orbit. Jango's interceptor speeds up and reenters the fray of battle, taking out a pair of Imperial fighters right away.
Meanwhile on the planet, Ramus is almost killed by Valkrii due to him wearing Imperial armour.
"Don't shoot! I surrender!" shouts Ramus as he drops his blaster and removes his helmet. "I'm with the Galactic Alliance!"
Post by cyberpaladin85 on Jan 27, 2009 20:35:21 GMT -5
Valkrii: "The Galactic Alliance, eh? Shall I assume that you took that armor off of some trooper? And where's the rest of your men, unless the GA can only afford one agent at a time?" Valkrii keeps her blaster aimed at the trooper, just in case it's a trap.
Post by Marcus Starkiller on Jan 27, 2009 20:41:05 GMT -5
"My men are nearby... we were sent to disrupt the operations of this base." said Ramus. He presses the button on his comlink. "Rendar, it's Ramus, you and the team best get over here, someone you should meet."